Find Pok�mon in 'Pok�mon GO' With This Realtime Map App

If you've been hunting for Pok�mon in the real world with the new hugely popular app, 'Pok�mon GO' for iOS and Android, you'll know how frustrating it can be to locate the nearby ones around you.
Referred by some as the 'three step bug', sometimes Pok�mon are shown on the nearby map, that simply aren't even there. 

Thanks to Pok�mon GO's API, there are now websites and apps that can help you find the exact locations of the little Pocket Monsters! 

Available on iOS and Android, PokeWhere by Vylar will become your must have Pok�mon GO companion app.

"PokeWhere is a Pokemon finder for the mobile game Pokemon Go that uses the most advanced API to give you the most accurate real time info about the Pokemon near you. The real time info is then displayed to you on the map with the exact locations of the Pokemon that have spawned near you. With PokeWhere you will never miss a beat and catch all the Pokemons.
PokeWhere is very simple to use all you have to do is press the my location button, which will bring you to where you are on the map and the Pokemons around you will show up, that's all. It will refresh as you walk. Now all you have to do now is start catching them all, it is as simple as that!" 

This app does work! It's NOT some user submitted app and because PokeWhere is in real-time, you'll know that the Pok�mon are actually there to be caught! You can even move the map around, re-pin, and do some location scouting. 

While this app is a must have for all Pok�mon Trainers, unfortunately it doesn't have the ability to search for particular Pok�mon and show you there closest location. That would be a great useful feature that hopefully someone can create. But in the meantime, download PokeWhere and find the Pok�mon near you! 

> PokeWhere is FREE to download - available for iPhone and Android phones. 

UPDATE: The company behind the game, Niantic, has disabled the ability for these live radar trackers to work. Unfortunately this app and others alike, do not work anymore.  

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